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Vidhyadeep Public Safety Survey

Student Survey

Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design the questionnaire) (results and details be provided as weblink) The student satisfaction survey (SSS) collects in-depth data of a student’s satisfaction with the institute and the programme. SSS is a quality management technique. The dimensions like teaching learning, fairness of evaluation, application orientation, empowerment and involvement of students, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, teaching approach, use of technology is the classroom and mentoring academically weak students are measured using a 5- point Likert Scale. The survey is administered every year by all the constituent institutes of the university.
The Student Counselling System is a proactive and potential building activity that identifies the true potential of the students and brings it out, so as to facilitate students to achieve their academic and personal goals. The system shall be comprising of Counsellors, primarily the teachers, and the students themselves.

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