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Vision and Mission Statement


A recognized leader in civil engineering education and learning experiences.


The mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to develop highly competent professionals, preparing them for entry-level positions in civil engineering, further study in graduate school, life-long learning, and societal leadership. Allied with both the School of Engineering’s and the College’s mission, the Department of Civil Engineering is proud of its public service mandate to educate leaders of New Jersey and the nation, fostering intellectual growth of our students so that they may become productive citizens in the service of humanity. The Department is dedicated to providing a dynamic learning environment that emphasizes open-ended design, problem-solving skills, team work, communication, and leadership skills.

To accomplish its mission, the Department of Civil Engineering

  • Offers an exceptional curriculum including in-depth coverage in four technical sub-disciplines of civil engineering: Geo technical engineering, Structural engineering, Transportation engineering, and Water Resources engineering, as well as broad coverage in: Computer Aided Design, Construction Management, Environmental engineering, and Surveying;
  • Engages students in creating innovative design solutions that include realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, constructability, sustainability, and global considerations, and disseminating these designs at national and regional venues;
  • Provides undergraduate research experiences, allowing students to work closely with members of the faculty; and
  • Employs highly dedicated faculty members who are effective teacher-scholars committed to maintaining a learner-centered undergraduate environment with emphasis on student mentoring.

Study Material